Here we go for the start of a new season 2025 . The Cathedral and ourselves have had new cameras and systems installed.
Camara's are live now..!!
Season 2024 was a very strange year with the weather being a major factor in the events. First not choosing the normal turret and going to a turret off camera. It was possible to tell from the behaviour in and around the turret that they had eggs for about three weeks. Then a violent storm which washed out the nest. Some two weeks later an egg was laid on camera and looked after by both birds. We were hopeful of a successful outcome. Then mum left it for three hours, returned, left it for an hour, only to then leave it for an eight hour shift in the night and it was cold. The egg can’t survive that. Dad has not given up but mum has and Mums know best. We have taken the difficult decision to cancel the rest of the open days as there is very little to show the public.
As a project there is still much to celebrate as over the 23 year period of the nest they have fledged 76 chicks. We will return with all our enthusiasm for the 2025 season.
Last year our Peregrines have three chicks all hatched on 3rd may.
On 25th May they were ringed .
Last year we have a Girl Black ring AL and two Boys Black rings AN and AP.
First one Fledged on June 11th AN one of the boys quite a dramatic way ,
sadly on August 1st he died, after wonderful care from Arun Veterinary group
and Sompting wildlife rescue. Unfortunately his head
(probably hit a glass window while chasing something)
injuries were serious and overcame him and he
died peacefully and naturally.
The other boy AP fledged June 14th and our little girl AL
fledged safely on June 16th these two are flying well....!!
The year before our Peregrines successfully fledged two chicks.A boy ringed black AJ and a girl ringed black AK ....